A Message from Dr. Kennedy
Belief in A Bliss-Filled Life
With thirty-eight years of family and geriatric medicine and more than 800,000 patient visits you’d think I’d be tired. I’m not. I’m angry about the monster of burnout, addiction, and depression and its suppressive grasp on the potential of every life it grabs. Think tentacles.
For me, Dr. Don Kennedy, practicing medicine is not about handing out pills, it’s about healing and insuring every person, no matter their profession, has a chance to discover and live a bliss-filled meaningful life. Think belief.
Yes, I’ve always been the surfer-doctor who never gives up hope that in one moment something I teach will motivate someone like you to take that single action to make their life healthier and happier. It works. I’m not tired. You don’t have to be. Think action.
What drives you and I is that ever evasive search for the one purpose or cause that lights our days and fills the nights with sweet dreams of possibility. Not of what we can own, but of what we can be. Think what am I?
But, I’ve been eaten by the monster and had to leave what I thought was so important to begin again to rediscover the healer, teacher, mentor, and motivator that never gives up helping people find and ride what I call their perfect wave of life. Think freedom.
Cut Your Own Path
As I wrote in The Surfer’s Journey, this is not a how to program, it’s a what if experience, a rebirth. How to is someone else’s path and in this program you have to cut your own. It’s not easy, but I will give you the machete and teach you how to use it. Think dare.
No matter your profession, you need to know you’re being called and you’ve ignored that inner voice for too long. It’s time to leave what I call the Island of the Ordinary and paddle out toward a destiny that will define itself. Think now.