The Surfer’s Journey: The Path to Transformational Heroship


The Surfer’s Journey is a fable about a character that, like many of my patients and clients, refuses to answer the call from his dreams until a surprise letter sends him on a dangerous mythological hero’s journey to discover the ten ancient principles of he’e nalu (surfing).

This mythological fable was created so I could use its ten principles to teach transformational leadership and heroship through the lens of surfing and is the result of my own transformational journey in over four years in the Doctorate in Leadership Program at Cardinal Stritch University.

I was frustrated with the world of medicine, burned-out, and like many of my patients and students, ignored that inner voice that keeps telling us it’s getting late. I became my own researched study and as a result left full-time medical practice to do what I’m doing now: writing, speaking, surfing, and teaching people like you how to find and ride their perfect wave of bliss.

“I knew my back was cut or scraped; I noticed splotches of blood on the beach and saw that the gashes on my feet were plugged with black sand.”

The Surfer’s Journey