The Surfer’s Journey Retreat – What’s It All About?

The Surfer’s Journey program is a CLE-accreditted research based multi-modular curriculum and immersion that follows the theme and ten research-based principles of The Surfer’s Journey. It was created to develop transformational heroes:

Fearless cause-driven individuals who wake each day to inspire, teach, and improve all they touch. That’s you!

The program uses the tenets of surfing, transformational leadership, and mythology to challenge and teach the individual to step beyond the confines of his or her present context of what we call the Island of Same to begin a journey to re-discover their natural nature and true calling.

Most wellness, leadership, or life changing programs teach the student to change their behavior by saying and doing this and that, but never ask what they believe or what stirs their spirit.

You and I know there are too many people going through the motions, paddling in the direction they’re told, deaf to the subconscious scream that’s telling them it’s time to change. And the days pass.

Rather then telling and molding, The Surfer’s Journey program focuses on an experience-based inner journey of self-transformation to rediscovery of and develop of the beliefs of a driven visionary: The professional hero who dares to paddle beyond the cove to battle the monsters for the good of others. Happy. Energized. Free.

Physician, surfer, and leadership professor Dr. Don Kennedy wrote the original text as a doctoral dissertation in the convention of the fables of mythological heroes. As required in phenomenological research, Dr. Kennedy left his medical practice as a result of burnout, and traveled and surfed and became the character in the story which was published as The Surfer’s Journey: The Path to Transformational Heroship.

This key tenet of the immersion in a different culture, such as Costa Rica, coupled with the ten principle-based activities, is the core intent of the program. This allows each individual the freedom to experience their own unique transformation then take that rebirth back to share, help, and teach others to do the same.

Please complete the application for The Surfer’s Journey Immersion program and a member of our team will contact you within 24 hours.

Surf Retreat Sign-Up Form

“The choices you make must be driven by your dream and what is right for the people you will touch and lead.”

The Surfer’s Journey